如何稀釋酒精?為何70%酒精比較好?How to make 70% ethanol? Why 70% ethanol is more effective against coronavirus (COVID-19)?


Why the 70% is better than 100% against coronavirus?

How to make 70% ethanol from the absolute ethanol?


  1. 務必確認周遭,通風良好 且 沒有任何火源

  2. 3:1 來稀釋酒精,即:3 杯 95%酒精1 杯水 (純水或自來水)


During this pandemic situation (COVID-19), it’s getting harder and harder to buy the 70% ethanol (ethyl alcohol). So some people are wondering how to make a diluted 70% ethanol from the 95% ethanol, and here is the result:

1. Make sure there is no any fire or inflammable source around as well as the space has good air circulation

2. Use the 3:1 ratio to dilute the 95% ethanol, i.e. Add 3 cups of 95% ethanol into 1 cup of the water.

That’s it! Here is your 70% ethanol. (71.25% actually)


而在網路上,有一篇文章說,用 4:1 稀釋才對,因為只有75%酒精才能真正消滅細菌…

今天如果用 3:1 稀釋,做出來的是 71.25%酒精
今天如果用 4:1 稀釋,做出來的是 76%酒精


根據美國疾病控制與預防中心 (CDC) 的這篇文章指出:60%-80%濃度的酒精,是一種有效的殺病毒劑,並且可抑制所有親脂性病毒(lipophilic viruses) 的活性。

Ethyl alcohol, at concentrations of 60%–80%, is a potent virucidal agent inactivating all of the lipophilic viruses (e.g., herpes, vaccinia, and influenza virus) and many hydrophilic viruses (e.g., adenovirus, enterovirus, rhinovirus, and rotaviruses but not hepatitis A virus (HAV) or poliovirus).

COVID-19屬於冠狀病毒,屬於親脂性病毒,所以當然 60%-80%都有效。也就是說,你想要用3:1或4:1都可以,但絕對不是”只有”75%的酒精有效。況且,消滅細菌,跟消滅病毒,並不是完全一樣的。那篇網路新聞,可以說是徹徹底底的假新聞了

小結論要用 3:1 還是 4:1 來稀釋酒精才有消毒效果,根本不是重點。如果要這麼計較,那你應該要用量筒去量,而且你還要去計算酒精與純水相加後體積會改變的事實 (74mL 酒精 加 26mL 水不等於100 mL)。避免感染的重點應該是:要防範病毒,你應該要常常消毒洗手戴口罩,盡量待在家不要出門。而不是趁著連假、有便宜機票,就到處趴趴走,害到自己,也害到其他人。

Photo by Sean Lo on Unsplash

Photo by Sean Lo on Unsplash



酒精消滅微生物的原理,主要是因為酒精可以使蛋白質變性 (protein denaturation),並且凝集 (coagulate) 蛋白質。微生物沒有了蛋白質,自然失去了生物活性。

然而,如果是100%的酒精,因為它會迅速地與微生物蛋白質作用,形成一圈凝集的蛋白質 (a ring of the coagulated protein),圍繞著微生物,結果反而形成一圈保護層,避免其他的酒精分子進入微生物細胞內,破壞細胞內蛋白質。當然沒有了外圍的蛋白質,微生物的確暫時失去了活性,但不會死亡。而一旦外在酒精被移除(如酒精揮發),那麼很可能微生物會再次活化起來。

So, why the 70% of ethanol is more effective than the absolute ethanol against microbes?

One of the most possible reasons for the antimicrobial activity of the ethanol is capacity of denaturing the protein. So when the absolute ethanol encounters the microbial protein, it coagulates the protein and rapidly form a ring of the coagulated protein surrounded the microbes, which sort of prevent the further penetration of the other ethanol molecules into the cell. The microbes for now is inactivated But not dead. When the absolute ethanol is removed, they may become activated again.


Compare with the absolute ethanol, the 70% ethanol also coagulates the protein but with a relatively slow rate. So there is no formation of the ring of the coagulated protein around the microbe, which therefore allow the further penetration of other ethanol molecules into the cells to denature the proteins inside the microbe and cause the cell death.


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