武漢肺炎病毒(新型冠狀病毒)可以在環境中存活多久?多久消毒一次?How long can the coronavirus (COVID-19) survive on the surface?
根據這篇在 The New England Journal of Medicine,以及這篇在The Lancet Microbe上發表的文章指出,新型冠狀病毒 (COVID-19) 在各種表面下,存活時間如下:
In the previous article, we talked about how to easily make the 70% diluted ethanol from the 95% ethanol. Some people were asking how often I should clean the surface. How long can the coronavirus survive on the different types of the surface?
So here is the summary of the longest time that the coronavirus can still be detected on the surface of different materials:
Printing and tissue papers: 3 hours**
Copper (the materials of coins): 4 hours*
Cardboard: 1 day*
Wood: 2 days**
Cloth: 2 days**Polypropylene plastic: 3 days*
Stainless steel: 3 days*Glass: 4 days**
Banknote: 4 days**The outer layer of the surgical mask: 7 days**
*At 69.8 to 73.4°F and 40% relative humidity
**At 71°F and 65% relative humidity
Reference: The New England Journal of Medicine* and The Lancet Microbe**
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